Grand Rapids Civic Theatre
Historic Electrical Renovation
The Grand Rapids Civic Theatre is the largest community theatre in Michigan. Home to over 3,000 annual ticket holders, the theatre reaches 90,000 people during a single season. Feyen Zylstra was awarded Phase III of this project, the largest project phase, that required approximately $125,000 in deductive value engineering items. The project’s coordination also required special attention, including preplanned installation methods and materials selected during the construction process in order to meet the six month project schedule. The preservation of this 102 year-old, majestic building has aided in the revitalization of the historic buildings within the downtown Grand Rapids area.
Grand Rapids, MI
Related Keywords:
Electrical, Service, Preplanning, Historical, Value Engineering, Commercial, Theatre, Grand Rapids Civic Theatre, Grand Rapids Historic Electrical Renovation, Grand Rapids Electrical Construction