Volvo Training Center
Charleston Electrical Contractor
Volvo Cars chose Berkeley County, SC, as the location of its first American factory. This $500 million campus is set to produce up to 100,000 cars a year which will help double Volvo’s global sales, boost market share, and push profitability. Feyen Zylstra was awarded all of the electrical construction work on the new Volvo Training Center as part of this campus.
This $8.7 million, two-story facility will serve approximately 2,000 workers as they are trained for the plant’s initial production phase. Work for this project included wiring the lab equipment, installing main power feeder duct banks, and setting up primary power for the power company. When it comes to electrical industrial work, Feyen Zylstra has the experience and expertise needed to make it a success.
HITT Contracting
Charleston, SC
Related Keywords:
Electrical, Construction, Wiring, Power, Industrial Manufacturing, Volvo Training Center, Charleston Electrical Contractor, Electrical Services Provider, Electrical Construction, South Carolina Electrical Contracting